For Faculty
Teaching Support
An excellent source for advertising case studies of more than 120,000 advertisements (1999-present), including Television ads, Digital/Web ads, Social Media ads, Print (Magazine & Newspaper) ads, Radio ads, and various other forms of “Out of Home” advertising like billboards, posters and vehicle mounted images. Content originates from over 20,000 advertising agencies in dozens of countries.
Business Cases by University of Michigan
WDI Publishing produces and distributes high-quality, cutting-edge business cases and other teaching materials for business schools around the globe. A division of the William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business, WDI Publishing offers a large catalog of international business and social impact materials, in addition to core business cases.
- ( now is Ideas Worth Teaching) is designed for business school faculty and aims to facilitate new curriculum development. It provides faculty with the most recent business cases and related teaching materials, from a wide variety of publishers, that focus on mainstream business issues and incorporate ethical, social, environmental, values-based and governance issues as well.
Registration permits faculty to download “faculty only” sample copies of cases and teaching notes. -
Case Studies - Harvard Business Publishing
Educators can apply for Authorized Faculty Access include: Exam copies, Teaching Notes and Student Pricing. Harvard Business Cases (up to year 2000) are also available via UTK subscription of Business Source Complete database by EBSCO.
Case Studies -Stanford Graduate Business School
Case studies are available for a minimal fee.
Case Studies - University of Virginia
Darden Business Publishing produces and distributes case-method teaching tools via the faculty of the Darden Graduate School of Business Administration at the University of Virginia. The Darden Case Collection contains thousands of cases, technical notes, and teaching notes.
Case Studies by the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP)
CSCMP makes available case studies designed for academics and practitioners. Each is available free to CSCMP members.
European Case Clearing House (ECCH) maintains and distributes case studies from management teaching programs around the world. Its database lets you search abstracts and bibliographic information on the case studies. Search by a variety of criteria, including author, title or topic. A fee is required if you want to obtain the full text of the case.
Faculty Resources Hub by Routledge & CRC Press
Browse this dedicated Faculty Resources Hub by a publisher to discover a wealth of free resources and Textbook catalogues, covering a variety of subject areas.
Higher Education Empirical Research Database
The Higher Education Empirical Research (HEER) database comprises summaries of the latest published research on a range of topics related to higher education. It is intended for use by policy-makers, academics and researchers in higher education. The database is fully searchable by theme, publisher and date.
Ivey Business Cases - Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation, Western University, Canada
Library Materials for Teaching
How to use UTK library resources such as articles, videos, guides, and other Library resources in the classroom.
Here is the link to the Faculty Portal on the UTK library home page.
OpenStax provides free, peer-reviewed, openly licensed textbooks for introductory college and Advanced Placement® courses and low-cost, personalized courseware that helps students learn.
The USASBE Syllabus Exchange is a resource for faculty creating or modifying courses in entrepreneurship. All syllabi are provided voluntarily by the faculty members and institutions offering the courses. For more information, contact Dr. Ethné Swartz, Fairleigh Dickinson University
Harvard Business Case Studies and Articles
= = = Harvard Business School Cases = = =
Due to copyright restrictions, Harvard Business school case studies are unavailable through the library or its course reserve service. As per the Harvard Business School Baker Library's Inter-library loan policy, HBS cases: Baker Library is prohibited from copying cases.
You can order a print or electronic case for a fee by going to their website. If you need a case for a class, ask your professor to register with the Harvard Business Publishing Educator's website so that you can get cases at a discounted price.
The Harvard Business Review does not include the Business School cases, however it does publish one case study abstract per issue. The Harvard Business Review is available online via Business Source Complete database. Select "Case Study" under Document Type in combination with company names or terms of interest for old cases.
= = = Harvard Business Articles = = =
Starting from August 2013, some changes are made to Harvard Business Review (HBR) article access via databases. Please see the attached list (down below) with 500 articles that HBR limits their access in EBSCO Business Source Complete database. These articles are "read only", meaning no download to print or save on a disk. Some viewers may find it inconvenience. An alternative is to get the in-print version at the UTK Libraries.
The UTK Library System has a print subscription and a microfilm subscription to Harvard Business Review. The Call number is HF5001.H3
As per EBSCO, these 500 articles are the ones that HBR has chosen. It is a static list and it will not change yearly. However, HBR owns the content and can certainly make a change again if they choose to. These articles are clearly marked "read only" in the database in order to differentiate them from the rest of HBR articles.
Also check out Harvard Business Review's feedback about using these article as course materials on (October 17, 2013) - "These articles remain available for researchers and research use – we simply limited the means by which they can be assigned and distributed as course materials."
Screen Shots on finding old Harvard Business Case Studies
HBR cases prior to year 2009 are still accessible via Business Source Complete database.
These articles are in Business Source Complete database. They are read-only as per Harvard Business Publishing's restrictions.
To Digitalize Your Teaching Materials
Know About Copyright for Teaching
Copyright Information from University of Tennessee System
Fair Use: the four factor test
The four factors of fair use as outlined in US copyright law for scholars, students, and teachers determining whether a given use of a copyrighted work is fair when determining whether the use is fair.
Video Streaming Collections at Hodges Library for classroom instruction
What Faculty Need to Know About Copyright for Teaching
Using Symplectic Elements
The Libraries has resources to help you quickly input citation information into Elements:
Get an ORCID ID.
Create your list of publications in ORCID using ORCID’s search wizards. Here’s a guide on how to quickly add your article citations using ORCID search+link (takes ~10 minutes for most faculty).
Once your citations are in ORCID, then Elements, Pivot, various funders (like the NIH and NSF) and other programs can pull your list of publications from ORCID so you don’t have to re-enter your information in multiple places. Here’s a video with basics on integrating ORCID into Elements (~1 minute).
You may want to just import citations of your work into Elements. This library guide will give you instructions on importing your citations from your discipline’s favorite database.