Entrepreneurship & Small Business
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Market Research:
Product Research
Gale Business Insights
Formerly known as "Business & Company Resource Center", this database provides company histories, market share articles, business ranking annual, company profiles and industry profiles.
Gale Business: Entrepreneurship
Planning, funding, starting, and managing resources for starting and operating a business. Provides sample business plans, journals, multimedia content, and more.
Market intelligence on countries, product groups, and consumers from Euromonitor International. UT subscription covers market and economic statistics only.
Hospitality & Tourism Index
Index and full text of scholarly research articles and industry news in all areas of hospitality and tourism
MarketResearch.com Academic
A collection of full-text market research reports that may include extended profiles and data about narrow and highly specific industry segments or product types.
SBRnet : Sports Business Research Network
Full-text articles from trade magazines and newsletters on the business of sports. Includes product data.
Demographics and More
From the U.S. Census Bureau, has both demographic and economic data. Select People from the left menu for the latest population data or select the Business & Industry category for the latest Economic Census, annual surveys of manufacturing and more.
Call Number: Ref. HF5415.2 .S84
Available in paper only in Reference. An annual survey of consumer buying power with market, population, household, and retail sales data for the U.S., for states, and for counties. Also has market projections, buying power index, and effective buying income.
Web-based mapping application that lets users create professional-quality thematic maps and reports using demographic, business, and marketing data.
Current and historical census data and demographic information. Users can create maps and reports to better illustrate, analyze and understand demography and social change.
Detailed advertising rates, contact information, and circulation data for a variety of media types. Also includes demographic and lifestyle interests for counties and marketing areas (DMAs). Must use Internet Explorer.
The Census Business Builder (CBB) is a suite of services that provide selected demographic and economic data from the Census Bureau tailored to specific types of users in a simple to access and use format.
Small Business Advisors
Help from experts and from other entrepreneurs and small business owners.
This site has nearly 1,500 articles on issues essential to running a business, over 200 business forms and agreements, calculators for estimating costs, checklists for decisions, and information in a variety of categories including human resources, insurance, legal, etc.
The Office of Business Enterprise, otherwise known and referred to as the Business Enterprise Resource Office (BERO), was created in the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development (TNECD) by Chapter 135 of the Public Acts of 1977, codified as Section §4-26-101 et seq.
Created for the small business owner, this site brings together information from over 40 federal agencies covering business development, financial assistance, laws and regulations, international trade, workplace issues, buying and selling, taxes, etc.
Focusing on "second-stage" entrepreneurs, the Lowe Foundation web site is home to an extensive collection of online publications on small business and other small business web links. Look at their Entrepreneur's Resource Center to access these materials.
Produced by the Kauffman Foundation of Entrepreneurship, this web resource for small business owners centralizes access to hundreds of entrepreneurial resources on the web, combines this with Kauffman's own content, and makes it all easy to find.
Small Business Snapshots:
The popular (and free!) market research reports cover industry trends, market statistics, customer demographics, recent business articles, and links to industry trade associations. A complete alphabetized archive appears in the sidebar to the right.
SCORE--Counselors to America's Small Business
The Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) works in cooperation with the U.S. Small Business Administration to advise and assist small business. See especially their valuable list of links to additional small business information on the web.
SmallBusiness.com is a wiki on small business issues.
Small Business Video Library - Knoxville TN Chamber of Commerce
This video library is focused on advancing the development of the Innovation Valley Region’s marketplace and workplace through the recording of high-value content. The videotaping equipment was provided through a grant from the Messer Foundation. The Messer Foundation seeks to support organizations that advance the interest of society in the areas of economic inclusion, education, and workforce development. As a part of this grant funding, the content can be shared to assist in the growth of small, minority-, woman-, and veteran-owned businesses.
U.S. Small Business Administration
One of the top spots for information on starting and running a small business. Browse the site for the SBA's services in starting, financing, and expanding a business.
Find the Right Communities
More than 1,000 variables to find the right community for your business.
News & Articles
News stories and articles are a good way to keep up with developments and trends in your target business area. National publications may have spotty coverage of small and emerging companies, so don't overlook local and regional sources as you look for information about industries and competitors. Most of the indexes below include the full text of the articles indexed or, alternatively, links to the text via this Find Text button:
An index with full text of articles from over 3000 business magazines, including peer-reviewed journals Best place to look for articles!
An index of several thousand newspapers and business magazines from around the world. Also includes selected coverage drawn from regional U.S. newspapers. Full text of articles is included. Only 3 simultaneous users, so remember to logout when you are finished!
Covers 75 business journals, newspapers and newswires from U.S. metropolitan and rural areas.
Index to business periodicals and newspapers with full text of most articles. Also includes brief profiles of major corporations and selected brokerage reports.
Articles from Entrepreneur’s Resource Center (Edward Lowe Foundation)
Articles in our Entrepreneur’s Resource Center appeared in print and online newsletters published previously by the foundation. More than 1,000 articles can be found in the categories, addressing timeless challenges faced by entrepreneurs of all types.