Supply Chain Management
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Other Related Websites
The Knowledge@Wharton network offers free access to: analysis of current business trends
Interviews with industry leaders and Wharton faculty; articles based on the most recent business research; conference overviews, book reviews and links to relevant content; searchable database of more than 6,300 articles and research abstracts.
The Lean Enterprise Institute Inc.
The Lean Enterprise Institute Inc. in Boston, MA, with a mission to make things better through lean thinking and practice. LEI conducts research, teaches educational workshops, publishes books and ebooks, runs conferences, and shares practical information about lean thinking and practice.
The MIT Global SCALE Network is a balanced network of six innovation centers on four continents. Each center contributes resources to conduct joint research, administers educational programs, and works with corporate sponsors. Independently and collectively centers engage faculty, researchers, students, and affiliated companies to collaborate on projects that will create supply chain and logistics innovations with global applications.
Check out their videos and white papers.
SCN is a network of people, a network of ideas and information, a means to facilitate keep you in touch with all aspects of the global supply chain management.
The Supply Chain Resource Cooperative at NC State University
The Supply Chain Resource Cooperative serves as a thought leader in the increasingly complex and competitive supply chain industry; documenting and disseminating new supply chain management knowledge to help companies, practitioners, and students.
A directory of U.S. and Canada Manufacturers
Transportation Research Board Global Affiliate Program
TRID is an integrated database that combines the records from TRB’s Transportation Research Information Services (TRIS) Database and the OECD’s Joint Transport Research Centre’s International Transport Research Documentation (ITRD) Database. TRID provides access to more than one million records of transportation research worldwide.
Suggested Links for Supply Contracts
Contracts Library by Consus Group
A fee-based database of contracts by industry and by companies.
Online DataDabases of Contracts with the US State Governmentts
As public information laws have strengthened over time in the US States, many states have taken the preemptive step of posting commonly requested documents online. Patrick Warren (Clemson University) has compiled the following collection of websites of contracts with state governments.
An online repository of publicly available contracts for large-scale land, agriculture, and forestry projects.
TechAgreements provides access to the actual agreements used in over 500,000 transactions covering all industries.
The site provides information on the USA Federal Government Contracts.
Supply Chain Management Associations
Association for Supply Chain Management (ASCM)
Their mission is to be the global leader in supply chain management transformation — every aspect, every audience.
The Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals
The Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) provides networking, career development, and educational opportunities to the logistics and supply chain management community.(CSCMP) provide networking, career development, and educational opportunities to the logistics and supply chain management community.
Institute for Supply Management® (ISM®)
Institute for Supply Management® (ISM®) is the first and largest not-for-profit professional supply management organizations worldwide. Founded in 1915, ISM has over 50,000 members located in 100 countries.
Material Handling Industry of America
MHI is the nation's largest material handling, logistics and supply chain association. MHI offers education, networking and solution sourcing for members, their customers and the industry as a whole through programming and events.
Operations and Supply Chain Management (Academy of Management)
The Operations and Supply Chain Management Division focuses on the management of the transformation processes that create products or services. These processes are found in all organizations, including profit and non-profit organizations. Conceptual, empirical, and methodological contributions are encouraged, as are cross-functional linkages and perspectives. Major topics include operations strategy, product and service development, supply chain management, project management, and quality management, as well as international, human resources, environmental, and IT issues facing operations.
SOLE (The International Society of Logistics
SOLE was founded in 1966 as the Society of Logistics Engineers "to engage in educational, scientific, and literary endeavors to advance the art of logistics technology and management."
Warehousing Education and Research Council
WERC is a professional organization focused on logistics management and its role in the supply chain. Through membership in WERC, seasoned practitioners and those new to the industry master best practices and establish valuable professional relationships.