Marketing & Advertising
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Market Analysis
Market Research Reports
This site has market research reports on PC, PDA, Smartphone, Cellular Subscribers, Information Appliance and Internet Industry. Full reports are expensive, but the press releases on the site provide useful statistics.
Despite the "Euro" in the name, Euromonitor covers the U.S. and the whole globe. Euromonitor produces extensive market research reports. It is especially strong in its coverage of consumer product market in specific countries. The descriptions of the reports on the site often include an "executive summary" , "highlights" or article sections with useful information.
Market Research World provides a listing of Market Research Findings. The reports themselves are available for a fee.
Market Research Reports Database - The International Directory of Market Research Organisations
The IMRI database is hosted on Datastar, Thompson/Dialog’s collection of information databases, which can be accessed by researchers via the web. The IMRI database includes over 50,000 abstracts of Market Research Reports & sources (including journals, databases, audits, published surveys, etc).
Media Audience Research
The Ad*Access Project, funded by the Duke Endowment "Library 2000" Fund, presents images and database information for over 7,000 advertisements printed in U.S. and Canadian newspapers and magazines between 1911 and 1955.
The Arbitron site offers free study reports of media audiences for radio, cable TV, internet and online radio.
Emergence of Advertising in America
The Emergence of Advertising in America: 1850 - 1920 (EAA) presents over 9,000 images, with database information, relating to the early history of advertising in the United States.
Other Sources
Agricultural Marketing Service by USDA
The Agricultural Marketing Service includes five commodity programs--Dairy, Fruit and Vegetable, Livestock and Seed, Poultry, and Cotton and Tobacco.
Cell phones and American adults (a report by Pew Internet & American Life Project)
Here you can download the full research report (Sept 2010) on smartphone usage in America.
Direct Marketing Association (DMA) White Papers
Throughout the year, DMA posts papers on specific topics, relevant to the direct marketing industry
The newsletter section includes some free newsletters with info about consumer attitudes on healthcare, youth, personal finance etc.
This site provides a listing of Academic Marketing Journals Web Sites, Leading Marketing Research Companies and Academic Marketing Research Centers and Institutes.
Summaries of consumer opinion polls on product/service consumption or shopping patterns.
Market Intelligence for the World's Agriculture Industry
This is a Canadian company site providing you with daily Agriculture News Headlines.
Here is a list of North America and international marketing organizations.
News and Research by National Restaurant Association
It includes profiles of the restaurant industry in each state, including data on jobs, locations, annual sales. Statistics are based on National Restaurant Association research and federal government data.
News Coverage Index Data Sets - by The Project for Excellence in Journalism
The News Coverage Index is an effort to measure and analyze the American news media on a continuing basis.
The Project for Excellence in Journalism offers scholars access to raw data sets from PEJ research. All uses of this data should reference the Project for Excellence in Journalism as the source of the data and acknowledge that the PEJ bears no responsibility for interpretations presented or conclusions reached based on analysis of the data.
Here you can find market statistics on popular products and services in USA, China and European countries. You can register a free account to access some content.
Survey Reports on Higher Education
Surveys were done by Babson Survey Research Group and Quahog Research Group, LLC
The Center of Alcohol Marketing and Youth (Johns Hopkins University)
The Global Public Policy Report quarterly of Shopping Center Industry - ICSC
The International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) is the global trade association of the shopping center industry. ICSC publishes the Global Public Policy Report quarterly to keep ICSC members informed of legislation and regulation that affect the shopping center industry, not only on Capitol Hill but at the states level.
WARC is the most comprehensive knowledge database available for the worldwide advertising, marketing and media industries.
Brands & Market Share
To track brand information or determine market share, try one of these sources.
Gale Business Insights
Formerly known as "Business & Company Resource Center", this gives you companies and industries research and comparison using industry rankings, company profiles, market share data, investment reports, charts and graphs.
Business Source Complete
Combine the subject search term “market share” with the name of
a brand, company or product. Join the search terms together using the AND connector. -
IBISWorld Industry Research Reports
The Major Companies section of these industry reports includes a segment on market share of major players in the sector.
Gale Directory Library
(2013 onwards in electronic form.) Lists of market share data compiled from a
variety of periodicals for brands, products, and companies in North America. Arranged by industry categories with indexes for subjects, names, and sources.
Market Share Reporter
Call number: Ref. HF5410.M35
Prior to 2013 - in paper copy. Lists of market share data compiled from a variety of periodicals for brands, products, and companies in North America. Arranged by industry categories with indexes for subjects, names, and sources. - Academic
A collection of full-text market research reports that may include market share data in addition to analysis of narrow industry segments.
Provides comparable statistics for 205 countries on economic indicators, health, foreign trade, environment, lifestyle, industrial and agriculture output, communications and more. Also includes market share data for over 300 consumer products and services.
Statistics, reports, and market outlooks to analyze consumer data and related markets.
Mintel Reports
Mintel Oxygen offers market research reports covering US and International food service marketplaces. Each report gives market-share size and trends, and consumer profiles. Reports may be downloaded as RTF and tabular data may also be saved as CSV files. In order to use Mintel Oxygen you must agree to the Mintel Academic Agreement. On first log-in you will need to create a personal profile using your UTK email address which will be used when you log-in in the future.
Market Research & Survey
Market research encompasses many things--industry, product, brand, consumer, geography, etc. The choices below include a sampling of all of these.
AAM (Aliiance for Audited Media, formerly known as Audit Bureau of Circulations)
Check this out for total circulation data on
• Newspapers
• Consumer magazines
• Business publications
• Farm publications -
Datasets at UTK Hodges Library
Entrepreneur's Resource Center / Marketing
Not sure where to start? The Edward Lowe Foundation's Entrepreneur's Resource Center has dozen of articles and quick summaries of how to conduct and use market research.
Market intelligence on countries, product groups, and consumers around the world from Euromonitor International. UT subscription covers market and economic statistics only.
IBISWorld Industry Research Reports
More than 700 industry categories are surveyed here--select by keyword or industry code for an overview, current conditions, key competitors, outlook, etc.
- Academic
A collection of full-text market research reports that may include extended profiles and data about specific industry segments or demographic groups.
Simmons Insights
This link opens in a new window
Simmons is a market survey of consumer purchases, preferences, and demographic characteristics. For help in using, see this Online Guide. Note: The survey data is an indicator of survey preference, not actual usage statistics.
SRDS Media Solutions
In addition to advertising rates, contact information, and circulation data for a variety of media types, this database includes demographic and lifestyle interests for counties and market areas (DMAs). Must use Internet Explorer.
Statista is a statistics portal to integrate data on over 60,000 topics from over 18,000 sources onto a single platform. Data sources include market research reports, such as the Ipsos Affluent Survey published annually by Ipsos Media, Simmons National Consumer Studies and Consumer Insights from Scarborough Research, as well as trade publications, scientific journals, and government databases.
Facts, Figures & the Future
Facts, Figures & the Future is the WEEKLY e-publication focused on delivering the latest consumer data and trend information. Facts, Figures & the Future is published by The Lempert Report / Consumer Insight, Inc.
The Roper Center - the repository for Gallup opinion surveys from the mid-1930’s to the present: This link opens in a new window
Survey of Consumer Finances
The Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) is normally a triennial cross-sectional survey of U.S. families. The survey data include information on families’ balance sheets, pensions, income, and demographic characteristics.
Information is also included from related surveys of pension providers and the earlier such surveys conducted by the Federal Reserve Board. No other study for the country collects comparable information. Data from the SCF are widely used, from analysis at the Federal Reserve and other branches of government to scholarly work at the major economic research centers.
Trends - survey results by Gallup
Gallup, Inc., is an American research-based, global performance-management consulting company. Founded by George Gallup in 1935, the company became famous for its public opinion polls, which were conducted in the United States and other countries.