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Economists of the Past and Present


History has many eminent economists; Nobel laureates are only one such group.  Learn about many others in the sources below.

  • Who's Who in Economics

    Call number: Ref. HB76 .W47 2003
    Available in paper only in Reference, a biographical dictionary of major economists from 1700 to the present. Includes a list of publications and summaries of major contribution to the field for each individual.

  • Great economists before Keynes and Great economists since Keynes

    Call number: Ref.HB76.B55 1986
    Call number: Ref. HB76 .B55 1998
    Available in paper only in Reference, describe the careers and contributions of major economists before the twentieth century and during it.


  • Nobel Laureates in Economic Sciences

    A list of all Nobel Economics Laureates from 1969 to the present plus links to additional information about the prize money, the Nobel medal, interviews with winners, and prize-winners lectures.



Economics Gateways on the Web


If you are looking for elusive economic knowledge or data, these link collections for economics may lead you there.


  • PriceStats

    PriceStats’ mission is to transform data into meaningful tools for economic analysis.


  • RePEc: Research Papers in Economics

    A collaborative effort of volunteers in over 70 countries to disseminate research in economics. The heart of the project is a database of working papers, journal articles and software components. All RePEc material is freely available.


  • RFE

    A guide sponsored by the American Economic Association, RFE lists more than 2,000 resources in 97 sections and sub-sections that are available on the Internet and of interest to academic and practicing economists and anyone interested in economics.

Dictionaries and Encyclopedias


Confused by economic terminology or jargon?  The links below may help.


  • AmosWEB is Economics: GLOSS*arama

    A database of 2000 economic terms and concepts to browse or search; an encyclopedia with further economic information is also available through this site.


  • The New Palgrave: a Dictionary of Economics; The New Palgrave Dictionary of Money and Finance; The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law

    Call numbers: Ref. HB61.N49 1987; Ref. HG151.N48 1992; Ref. K487.E3N48 1998
    Available in paper only in Reference. Economic dictionaries/encyclopedias featuring detailed articles defining and explaining economic concepts. The two companion publications cover money, finance, and economic law.

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