Entrepreneurship & Small Business
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Research in Entrepreneurship
Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference
Widely considered the premier research conference on entrepreneurship, find here links to the conference programs from 1981 forward plus abstracts and author contact information for papers presented.
From the Global Economic Forum, its annual report on global competitiveness compiled from calculations based on both publicly available data and a comprehensive executive opinion survey.
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor
The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) is a non-profit academic research consortium that has as its goal the ready availability of high quality information on global entrepreneurial activity.
The Kauffman-RAND Institute for Entrepreneurship Public Policy
Dedicated to assessing and improving policy making as it relates to entrepreneurship, this organization studies the convergence of law, finance, and capital markets in the U.S. and explores policy responses to improve understanding of the ways in which public policy promotes and impedes entrepreneurs and small business.
From the Kauffman Foundation of Entrepreneurship, links to the research focused on what drives innovation and economic growth in an entrepreneurial world. Access to their data and their research reports.
SSRN eLibrary
Entrepreneurship research papers are included in the SSRN (Social Science Research Network) e-Library. The database includes two sections: abstracts of scholarly working papers and an Electronic Paper Collection containing downloadable full text documents.
OECD Entrepreneurship At a Glance
Check out Annex B for data sources of different determinants.
Gale Business: Entrepreneurship
Gale Business: Entrepreneurship is a comprehensive database that covers all aspects of starting and operating a business, including accounting, finance, human resources, management, marketing, tax, and more. It combines authoritative periodical and reference content to support prospective and current entrepreneurs as well as business students. Experience an easy-to-browse interface mapped to four key stages—plan, fund, start, and manage—to fit your research needs at any point in your business's development. This subscription is by the State of TN (TEL)
Tennessee Business Information
Digital Library of Tennessee The Digital Library of Tennessee provides free access to unique materials from museums, libraries, and archives across the state.
Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS)
Established in 1949 by the Tennessee General Assembly, MTAS provides technical advice to cities and towns across the state: their governing bodies, mayors, city managers, city recorders, and city department heads.
PPP loans in Tennessee- Search for businesses receiving loans
These Tennessee businesses received Paycheck Protection Program loans of $150,000 or more. Type in the search box to filter the list (e.g., by business name or city), or click on the table headers to sort.
Contains various types of assistance in starting or locating a business in Tennessee
The Census State Data Center (SDC) program is a State/Census Bureau cooperative program with a mission of providing efficient access to US Census data and products, providing training and technical assistance to data users, and providing feedback to the Census Bureau on data usability, as well as state and local government data needs and operational issues.
TSBDC offers free assistance to help Tennessee business owners develop successful businesses. Their web page has a description of their services, an entrepreneur's manual, links to additional web resources and more.
Knoxville Business Information
Business License/Permit Information Search
Public Record search for local businesses in TN.
The Development Corporation of Knox County
The Development Corporation manages and allocates land and other resources to promote business development. The web site contains additional links to local business development agencies.
East Tennessee Development District
A voluntary association of municipal and county governments in the mid-east region of Tennessee providing planning and development services, ETDD also compiles local demographic and economic data
Knoxville-Knox County Planning collects data to support its planning efforts in Knoxville and Knox County. This data is not just valuable to our agency, it is valuable to Knox County citizens.
Knoxville Area Chamber Partnership
Knoxville's Chamber has an economic development division that aids small businesses. Also, search the online directory of chamber members to discover more small local business owners
Knoxville Local Population and Development Data
The Knoxville News Sentinel - local newspaper
The current print copy is in the Newspaper section (the Reference Room 1/F Hodges). You can also access the paid e-version via the library catalog.
Provides statistics on a variety of demographic and economic indicators. Comparable indicators for 3,141 counties nationwide plus unique side-by-side comparisons.