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About Makerspace
"Makerspace is a constructivist and constructionist movement that is taking the world by storm! Imagine DIY meets education!"
A makerspace is about “turning knowledge into action” (Flemming, 2015, p. 7), and supports personalized learning (Martinez & Stager, 2013). 
Makerspace is a constructivist concept as a provocative way for a creative
​mindset that can and should be taught (Gerstein, 2014).
We have a student culture of children who have learned to consume technology … advocacy for this type of teaching and learning in educational settings to develop frameworks that move towards creation from only technology consumption (Alberta Education, 2011; Fullan, 2013; Wagner & Compton, 2012).
The Maker Movement
A Librarian’s Guide to Makerspace: 16 Resources
"Growing Learning Communities Through School Libraries and Makerspaces-Creating, Constructing, Collaborating, Contributing"
What do Maker Projects look like in Each Subject Discipline?
Judy Li’s version of Makerspace -
A collaborative community of student-centered learning to empower initiatives and creativities.          
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Case Examples at our own UT Libraries:
3D Printing
Makerspace at Hodges Library  
Makerspace at Pendergrass Library
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Judy's suggested three items to be used in Makerspace –
Basic toys - LEGOs or K’nex LEGOs are great for brainstorming and building.
Hardware - 3-D Printers. The 3D printing process, by adding material layer by layer to build a three-dimensional object from a computer-aided design model.
Software - Hyperduino “With the HyperDuino any school project diorama, model or poster board can be made interactive by linking to videos and other digital media, including student-created videos and other content.”
Methods of teaching support on curriculum –
providing online downloadable Q&A instruction guides as scaffolding, online instructional videos for user presentation and instruction demo, on-site in-person demonstration and material uses help.
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Case Examples in Scholarly Journals about Using Makerspaces in Higher Education Curriculum
Article 1:
Cooke, M., Forest, C. R., Hartman, B., Hoover, A. M., Hunt, J., Kohn, M., ... & Wilczynski, V. (2018). Models for curricular integration of higher education makerspaces. In Proceedings of the 3rd international symposium on academic makerspaces, Palo Alto, CA, USA.
Article 2:
Novak, Staci. (2019). The effects of a makerspace curriculum on the 4C's in education. Graduate Research Papers 942. University of North Iowa.
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