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Collaboration in the Field

Collaboration is defined as work done in collaboration with other designers, and work for a client or with other students in different roles on a project.  Select this button to view my Commitment to Collaboration Statement.


Select from the following pictures to view my artifacts in the ability to collaborate well. 

Acknowledgement: all of my fellow contributors/collaborators are properly acknowledged with each artifact, and I have their agreements to post the works on this site.

Interview Time
Reflection from
an interview
with a practitioner
Thinking of Ideas
Reflection on a team process within an
instructional design project 
Anchor 1
Interview Time

Aligned to Professional Standards -

AECT Standard 1 (Content Knowledge)​

AECT Standard 4 (Professional Knowledge and Skills)

Contributor: Judy Li


This artifact, from IT521, demonstrates a Zoom interview with an experienced practitioner in the instructional design field to share her ample, professional experience in collaborating with clients and overcoming various technological challenges in designing online learning environments.


Rationale for Inclusion:

This artifact aligns with this category by showing my skillset to collaborate in the field. Instructional designers, with different job titles, have important roles in creating e-learning experiences.  An interview with an expert in the field helped me understand the ever-evolving role of instructional designers.  This interview provided me insights of the challenges in collaborating with clients and how to tackle these challenges.  The sharing of her real-life experiences presented me with best practices on collaborating well with other designers and clients. 


This artifact aligns with my career goals/professional standards:

Collaboration in instructional design is important.  Instructional design knowledge can be updated and enhanced via collaborating with other designers.  This instructional designers' personal experience and reflection (from her journey on mapping out learning needs of her learners, technologies used and key parameters for interactive course design) provided valuable knowledge beyond the uses of textbooks.  The insights into a designers' professional journeys helps me fine-tune my career goals.  This artifact aligns to AECT standards that design, develop, implement, and evaluate technology-rich learning environments within a supportive community of practice, and my career goals in collaboration with stakeholders of different levels in higher education and the corporate worlds.


Anchor 2
Thinking of Ideas

Aligned to Professional Standards -

AECT Standard 1 (Content Knowledge)​


AECT Standard 4 (Professional Knowledge and Skills)


Contributor: Judy Li


This artifact, from IT521, shows the importance of self reflection on collaboration in a usability test evaluation project.  The collaboration involved the team effort for a design document to evaluate the usability of technological aspects in using Google Suite for online learning courses.

Rationale for Inclusion:

This artifact aligns with this category by showing my understanding of the using self-reflection in improving a collaborative relationship as well as design performance.  Instructional design involves various methods of producing digital or physical materials for teaching.  Self-reflection is an important component in instructional design process because it enhances motivation and achievement.  It fosters a positive learning experience for the instructional designer.  In order for the project to be successful, the designer needs to ensure that the collaborative approach involves clients and other designers working together, and that everyone participates on a collective task has been clearly assigned.


This artifact aligns with my career goals/professional standards:

Reflection encourages a level of self-awareness and consciousness about practice.  It allows me to examine my thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actions. Through this practice, I was able to look at myself with interest and curiosity.  My reflection identified areas for improvement and also areas where I was strong.  It allowed me to recognize what worked and what didn't in collaboration.  There will be numerous opportunities in my career life to collaborate with people who share a passion in instructional design.  Therefore, reflection helps shape my career goals and aligns with AECT standards that design, develop, implement, and evaluate technology-rich learning environments within a supportive community of practice in collaboration.


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