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Theoretical Knowledge in the Field
Select from the following pictures to view my artifacts in mastering the content and pedagogical knowledge in the field of instructional/educational technology.
Acknowledgement: all of my fellow contributors/collaborators are properly acknowledged with each artifact, and I have their agreements to post the works on this site.
Instructional Design Plan
Online Course
Design Proposal
Theory Paper in Designing Online Course Proposal
Anchor 1
Contributor: Judy Li
This artifact, from IT570, demonstrates the application of instructional and learning theories in designing an online course for college students. The proposal demonstrates the application of theories of instructional systems design.
​Rationale for Inclusion:
This artifact aligns with this category by showing my skill set in the application of instructional design theories to solve instructional problems in educational settings. Each online course presents unique challenges. A realistic timeframe with goals and benchmarks is important for a success. Therefore, an instructional design plan is important in mapping out all the details such as learner analysis, learning objectives, and learning outcome measurement. I applied several instructional design models including the ADDIE model with the five phases: analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. ​​This design plan includes curriculum and lesson plans, instructional materials including video presentations and scaffolding guides to be used in the training. Evaluation procedures are included to determine learning outcomes were achieved.
This artifact aligns with my career goals/professional standards:
Beginning a thoughtful instructional design plan is critical for a successful course design. It serves as a blueprint to identify clients' online learning needs. A design plan provides project context with a short background to the course and its end objectives such as project requirements, learning requirements, course objectives, instructional strategy and assessment strategy. The plan helps communicate the major aspects of the proposal for stakeholders to evaluate potential gains if implemented.
In this artifact, the ADDIE model is used as the overall instructional strategy in this design. I also drew from other learning outcome theories like Bloom’s Theory, Gagne’s Five Types of Training are also used. I adopted Cognitive Load Theory as the educational pedagogy in this instruction framework with scaffolding strategy to support the training. This artifact aligns with my career goals and with AECT standards by demonstrating my knowledge and experience in creating, accessing and managing the educational processes and effective learning environments.
Anchor 2

Aligned to Professional Standards -
AECT Standard 1 (Content Knowledge)​
AECT Standard 2 (Content Pedagogy)
AECT Standard 3 (Learning Environments)
Online Course Design Proposal (Prompting Best Practices in Online Teaching and Learning Among Higher Education Leaders)
Contributors: Michelle Foulke, Judy Li, Susan Martel, Theresa Profant
This artifact, from IT532, describes the design for an online course to promote best practices in online teaching and learning among higher education leaders. After the course, these leaders will support and promote faculty training to improve the quality of online courses. The design plan addresses a) analysis of learners, needs, and course technology, b) course design with content including detailed activities, and c) development plan for achieving the design.
Rationale for Inclusion:
This artifact aligns with this category by showing the skill set in the application of online learning theories to engage learners in educational settings. We emphasized social presence in online interaction, "Be there" and "Be together" and active learning are emphasized in the artifact. As online learning presents unique challenges for online learners, this instructional design proposal captures the consensus about the instructional approaches to be adopted in engaging online learners. To ensure the eLearning course achieves the objectives for which it is designed, we adopted Kirkpatrick's Training Evaluation Model includes Reaction (the degree to which participants find the training favorable, engaging and relevant to their jobs), Learning (the degree
to which participants acquire the intended knowledge and skills based on their participation in the training), Behavior (the degree to which participants apply what they learned), and Results (the degree to which targeted outcomes occur as a result of the training).
This artifact aligns with my career goals/professional standards:
This artifact demonstrated my skill development in creating effective and memorable online learning experiences for learners. Essentially, this artifact presents the application of several theories in engaging learners such as online presence, community of practices, sense of ownership and active learning via students collaboration. We also included all elements of an eLearning course such as the learning modules, inter-activities, and assessments, all of which complement each other toward the same learning goal. The experience aligns with AECT standards and my career goals to be an instructional designer with competency in the knowledge and pedagogy necessary to create, assess, and manage the educational engaging online environments.
Anchor 3
Contributors: Michelle Foulke, Judy Li, Susan Martel, Theresa Profant
This artifact demonstrates the application of various theories in the design of an online course proposal - "Prompting Best Practices in Online Teaching and Learning Among Higher Education Leaders".
Rationale for Inclusion:
This artifact aligns with this category by presenting theoretical knowledge
in engaging online learners such as sense of presence, active learning and principles of Social Constructivist Theory. Instructional Design theories offer frameworks to understand how learners interact with the teaching materials, how information is shared and how learning takes place via collaboration. These learner-centered approaches can be applied according to different learning situations for learner needs. The understanding of these theories help designers make more informed decisions in choosing the right online engagement practices.
This artifact aligns with my career goals/professional standards:
This artifact demonstrates how learning engagement theory is applied to achieve the expected learning outcomes. The uses of these online learning theories help me develop skills to effectively design instructions that elicits the appropriate cognitive processes in the learners, enhances the learning experience and mediates more successful learning outcomes. Therefore, this artifact aligns with AECT professional standards and my career goals to be an instructional designer with competency with the knowledge and pedagogy necessary to create, assess, and manage the educational engaging online environments.
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